A popular member of our wellbeing group, Dave says "there is something for everyone"

A popular member of our adult wellbeing group is Dave. Originally from Liverpool, Dave moved to Grimsby with his family when he was three, and he has lived here ever since. Dave suffers from MS, and he’s been coming to the hospice as a member of our wellbeing group and for respite for the past six years. He said: “Everyone that comes here is different, but there is something for everyone. I like doing sudoku and trying to make things, and I’ve made some great little bits for my grandkids while I’ve been here, but sometimes it’s also nice just to relax. We get to choose what we want to do, and today, for example, some of the other guys have gone over to the St Andrew’s Hospice cinema to watch Johnny English together while we are making these flowers. Really, it’s great just to be able to come and chat with people and have a laugh.”

Dave says that his favourite thing about coming to the hospice is “the company”, and that he has a lovely day or week spending time with the other people including the nurses.  He said that the staff “will get you anything you need”, and “are always there to help you.” Dave comes twice a year for respite when he will stay on the adult unit for a week, and he says that it gives his wife a “break” from caring for him, while he still gets to see all his friends as they come and visit.  When he’s with us, the nurses help him with some of the things that he can’t do himself, like clipping his nails, and it’s a particular delight for him when his name is called up for his exclusive pool slot once a month and he gets to have a dip with the water all to himself! It also makes a big difference for Dave being able to use the on-site bathing facilities, as he said: “I can’t have a bath at home anymore, but they are able to get me in and out here. Before I came, I hadn’t been able to enjoy a bath for over five years, so I love it.”